Pastor Daniel Torres
Lead Pastor
He grew up the youngest of five in East New York in a complicated single-parent home. At the age of sixteen, his life changed forever when he gave his heart to the Lord at a prayer meeting at the Brooklyn Tabernacle. What he experienced could not be compared to any other experience. He felt God, he felt love, he felt acceptance. Within the last twenty plus years, Pastor Dan has faithfully served the Body of Christ. He is known as “the people’s pastor” because of his humble, genuine and gentle nature. He is now honored to pastor Radiant Church at this point of his faith journey and is excited to see what the Lord will accomplish through this ministry.
Aileen Torres
Bible Teacher & Wife of Pastor Daniel Torres
She grew up in Hell’s Kitchen, NYC. Although she was raised in a Christian home, Aileen rebelled against her parents and the Lord. Her rebellion led to her leaving her home multiple times, a juvenile record for violence, alcohol abuse, drug use, and involvement in many toxic relationships all before the age of 16. Her life was heading down a dark downward spiral at a rapid speed but in 1997, during her junior year of high school, the Lord intervened and she was radically saved. She is now committed to teaching about true freedom from sin and shame that Jesus offers to all.
Our Board
At Radiant Church we believe it is our responsibility to seek God, to sense where He is moving, to pursue Him, and to bring others to Him.
We also believe checks and balances are a part of a healthy church. Our lead pastor and key leaders are charged with discerning the vision of the church while the board is responsible for protecting that vision.
The Church Board oversees the calling and the commissioning of the Lead Pastor, prepares and gives final approval to the annual budget, oversees long-range financial planning for the Church, reviews all staff salaries, and provides care and maintenance of all properties rented or owned by the Church.
Services Times
Sunday Service: 10:30AM
WAYNYC Youth: 7:00PM • First three Friday’s of every month
Prayer Service: 7:00PM • First three Friday’s of every month
60-45 Eliot Ave
Maspeth, NY 11378